Stonetree Guitars
About Stonetree Guitars
We've found that some of the talented craftsman prefer to stay out of the spotlight & focus entirely on their work. These type of individuals have little time for the pursuit of fame as they create elite-level instruments.
The owner of Stonetree Custom Guitars is a luthier that has over 20 years experience making pro-level instruments. He doesn't have a website & you may not have heard of his company before but he's well known by top flight guitarists.
He's built guitars for some of the most respected musicians on the planet. Guys like Joe Bonamassa & Eric Ambel are repeat customers. Bonamassa has four & Ambel has 5.
The goal of the owner of Stonetree Custom Guitars is to craft a “brand new old guitar”. Not reliced but something that feels and sounds like an old guitar, but reliable, with some modern enhancements.
If you are interested in obtaining one of his instruments or carrying his line of guitars in your store, please send us an e-mail or give us a call. In the meantime, look at the amazing photos below.